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Mom's Spaghetti
Raptors (rapper-actors) are very popular in Hollywood. It makes sense because rappers felt comfortable around cameras and they are used to telling stories...
R-Rated Mates
Sometimes there are just people that you group together in the film world – frequent collaborators. When I think of this, I immediately think of...
Black Leisure Pleasure
Black ensemble comedy films are some of my favourite comfort films and lately, there haven’t been much of them. At one point, those movies used to be churned...
You ain't my mother?
How could I talk about Britain without talking about soap operas? Soap operas form part of the furniture that make a British home, but they are under threat...
Keep Calm
What was your first encounter with Carry On? ITV3 reruns? Parents? Whatever Barbara Windsor was famous for before she became Peggy Mitchell? Or maybe its...
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